What Are the Components of a Service Level Agreement

The SLA is usually an additional agreement that service providers sign with their customers, as well as a master service agreement, to define the terms and conditions of that agreement. Example 2: It is the customer`s responsibility to obtain and renew software licenses from time to time. If the support team is asked to install software that is not licensed at the time of installation or thereafter, the legal responsibility rests solely with the customer. The customer indemnifies the service provider and its employees for all legal steps for the installation and maintenance of unlicensed software. In addition, accurate data collection from service level agreement metrics is essential. Therefore, an automated method of data collection would be preferable. Apart from that, the SLA should also establish a reasonable baseline for service level measurement, which you can extend with more data available on each metric. SLAs typically include many components, from defining services to terminating the contract. [2] To ensure that SLAs are consistently adhered to, these agreements are often designed with specific dividing lines, and stakeholders need to meet regularly to create an open communication forum. The rewards and penalties that apply to the supplier are often indicated. Most SLAs also leave room for regular (annual) reviews to make changes. [3] Many SLAs follow the specifications of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library when applied to IT services.

Optional information describes service level objectives, a linked contract (if any), and related agreements. A Service Level Commitment (SLC) is a broader and more general form of an SLA. The two are different because an SLA is bidirectional and involves two teams. In contrast, an SLC is a one-sided commitment that defines what a team can guarantee to its customers at all times. Pro Tip: It is common practice for a company to pass on a portion of the penalty to the service delivery team. This prevents the service delivery team from relaxing and benefiting both parties. For example, Customer is responsible for providing an agent to resolve issues with the Service Provider related to the SLA. The service provider is responsible for meeting the service level defined in the SLA. The performance of the service provider is evaluated against a number of measures.

Response time and resolution time are among the most important metrics included in an SLA because they relate to how the service provider handles a service disruption. Service Performance – Performance measurement measures and performance levels are defined. The customer and service provider must agree on a list of all the metrics they will use to measure the provider`s service levels. An SLA can define availability, performance, and other parameters for different types of customer infrastructures, such as. B such as internal networks, servers, and infrastructure components such as uninterruptible power supplies. An earn-back is a provision that can be included in the SLA that allows providers to earn service level credits if they work at or above the standard service level for a certain period of time. Earn-backs are a response to the standardization and popularity of service-level credits. SLAs are an integral part of an IT vendor contract.

An SLA summarizes information about all contractually agreed services and their agreed expected reliability in a single document. They clearly state the measures, responsibilities and expectations, so that in case of problems with the service, neither party can invoke ignorance. It ensures that both parties have the same understanding of the requirements. If both parties agree to include refunds in the SLA, the process should be carefully defined at the beginning of the negotiation and integrated into the service level methodology. Ideally, SLAs should be aligned with the technology or business objectives of the order. Misalignment can have a negative impact on quote prices, the quality of service delivery and the customer experience. Most service providers provide statistics, often through an online portal. .