Agreement. All agreements and contracts with Dr. Bolin must be in writing. Any changes to the terms of this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by Dr. Bolin. In particular, Dr. Bolin, who agrees to provide this forensic psychology service, relies on the consent of the responsible party to comply with all the terms of this Agreement. An authorized representative of the law firm that engages Dr. Bolin accepts this agreement by signing below. The actual final cost of forensic services varies considerably depending on the time Dr.
Bolin has spent and the amount of contact with parties and lawyers, the amount of information to read, and the degree of complexity of the case. Dr. Bolin`s fees may significantly exceed the initial advance, in which case additional deductions are required. Deductions and additional fees must be paid immediately at Dr. Bolin`s request. Warrant or court order. An advance of $1800 is due at least 48 hours before the first consultation or assessment session with Dr. Bolin and before Dr. Bolin can be identified by the opposing lawyer or court as being hired by the law firm. The advance will be applied to the final settlement and Dr.
Bolin will return the remaining unused portion of the advance to the payer. Instead of an advance, a court order or other document guaranteeing payment is required. Results. Written reports are not always necessary, but can be requested from a lawyer or the court. Not all results, reports and copies of records may be created, written and made available until the full assessment is complete. No partial reports are provided. COMMITMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DOOR OF THE SERVICES OF EXPERTS IN PSYCHOLOGY). Court testimony and witnesses are charged in increments of a full day or half a day at an hourly rate of $300, or $1200 per half day and $2400 per full day. Photocopying and other employee-related activities are charged $40 per hour. Payments that are also charged include the actual costs associated with psychological tests, test evaluation, .
B electronic, as well as travel and other reasonable costs. Dr. Bolin`s usual and customary fee is $300 per hour or part of it for all services, including but not limited to assessment, testing, collaborative interviews, counseling, file review, statements, affidavits, statements, and travel time (door to fees). Fees and payments for delivery include, but are not limited to, fees for legal and professional consultations, interviews, assessment dates, ancillary appointments, tests, test assessments and interpretations, review of documents and other evidence, preparation and provision of reports, affidavits and testimony and, where applicable, the time and effort of the assistants. Service. A forensic psychology service is a psychological assessment, counselling or expert service carried out for legal purposes. Dr. Bolin provides medical-psychological services to a law firm that is the client. The party to the proceeding is not Dr. Bolin`s client. A forensic psychological assessment usually includes an in-person interview with the person being assessed, psychological testing, collaborative interviews with individuals deemed necessary by Dr.
Bolin to conduct a thorough and comprehensive assessment, and a review of documents and other evidence. Evaluation meetings, including tests, are organized by appointment. Dr. Bolin can formulate and provide ideas, impressions, opinions, conclusions and recommendations with respect to the current legal issue(s). These services are not intended for therapeutic purposes. Dr. Bolin`s findings, impressions, opinions, conclusions and recommendations are based on the evaluation process and are independent. The financially responsible person is the law firm where Dr.
Bolin is mandated. The controller must pay fees and payments for all times and services provided by Dr. Bolin. Dr. Bolin does not accept payment from the litigant directly. If the party to the process does not participate in the assessment, does not give more than 48 hours` notice of the cancellation or does not cooperate with the assessment, the financially responsible party is responsible for the full payment of the time allocated to the assessment. Confidentiality. The usual laws of confidentiality between the psychotherapist and the patient do not apply to the relationship or information obtained during the medico-legal assessment. Information obtained during the medico-legal assessment will be shared with the individual`s lawyer. This policy also recognizes dr.
Bolin`s use of professional test evaluation services and other professional advice deemed desirable by Dr. Bolin. Note that in some cases, Dr. Bolin is required by law to disclose inside information, para. B example in situations of alleged abuse of a child or elderly person, in case of potential harm to himself, and in cases where the court orders the disclosure of privileged information and records. .